Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Jack-O-Lantern

Dear Students,

I looked at the Arlington Hills blog, and I loved seeing the pictures of your Jack-O-Lanterns! I was very happy to see your smiling faces in the pictures too! And congratulations to Adan, Lucia, Khin Than Ye and Christina for reading at the Loft in October. I am very proud of you! In fact, I'm going to use some of the paragraphs from your stories as good examples of paragraph writing for my students here in Tajikistan.

Here are some pictures of my Halloween Jack-O-Lantern. Most of the pumpkins here in Tajikistan are not like the ones in the US. They are not usually round, but long. I was very excited when I saw my pumpkin in the market! It weighed 9 kilograms because it was very thick. I bought it, and carved it with my neighbors. The girls in the picture live upstairs in my apartment building. Their family is very friendly. Sometimes they cook Tajik food for me. They always invite me to their apartment. I remember all of you when I talk to the friendly people here in Tajikistan.

Did your children go trick or treating?

Teacher Bethany